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How to Increase Your Clairvoyant Ability

Do we all have Clairvoyant Ability?

Many people believe we were all born with psychic or clairvoyant abilities. However as we grow in the world we start to follow the mainstream way of thinking and overlook our potential for clairvoyant or psychic powers.

What is a Clairvoyant Ability?

A clairvoyant ability is seen as a spiritual gift and there are ways we can all develop these powers and unlock our own potential. Exercises to Boost Clairvoyant Abilities:

Try these exercises to uncover your hidden clairvoyant ability.

1. The first one is an obvious one that we have all done and no doubt shown some success at.
When the phone rings next time try and visualise who is calling before you answer. Try this regularly and see if your success rate improves. Could you be exploring your clairvoyant ability?

2. This one you can try with a friends help. Try to predict what the number of the dice will be before they roll it. Perhaps start by just trying to predict odd or even. This can help you develop intuition.

3. To further develop your intuition and precognition try to predict events and scores at your favourite sporting event or when watching a game on TV. Start by predicting the winner and as you gain confidence move on to predicting the score or other match statistics.

4. Next time you are in a queue at say the bank try to predict which window you will get called to. With practice you should be able to improve this prediction.

5. To develop remote viewing clairvoyant abilities try to imagine before a business or social meeting what the other person will be wearing. Start with concentrating on colour and as you practice move on to greater details. Write down your thoughts before the meeting so that you are sure to be honest with yourself.

6. When you are standing at the bar waiting to be served try to predict what drinks the person ahead of you will order. This can heighten your intuition skills.

7. Next time you are in the lift or elevator play a game at guessing which number button each new person who enters will press. This can help you develop precognition, clairvoyance and telepathy.

8. Another easy way to practice is with a friend and a pack of playing cards. Get your friend to turn over one card at a time and you just start by predicting red or black. If you can get your success rate up to 75% then expand your skills to predict the actual suit of the next card.

Clairvoyant ability can be developed with practice and patience. Try not to force the issue but incorporate these and other little exercises into your everyday life to learn to broaden your thoughts, develop your intuition and allow your natural clairvoyance to develop.

Visit the popular website to learn more about psychic phenomena.

Please feel free to republish this article if it is kept intact, with the author / site biography and links kept in place. Kate Pusey is author of Clairvoyants Today. This is an information website for anyone curious about the psychic world. It contains articles and advice covering a wide range of subjects from ?How to find a Good Clairvoyant? to ?Do you have a psychic gift?'

By Ron Pusey


What Is a Clairvoyant?

A clairvoyant is essentially a person who possesses the ability known as clairvoyance. This is a term that is typically used to refer to an extraordinary ability to sense things that cannot be perceived through the scientifically recognised five senses.

The term comes from the French words "clair," meaning clear, and "voyance," meaning vision. Clairvoyants have the ability to know things that are happening far away, either in time or space, and though scientific reports on this phenomenon remain highly controversial, anecdotal evidence has existed all through history of people who are able to perform feats using clairvoyance.

In history, clairvoyance is often associated with religious figures. In ancient Hindu religious test, clairvoyance is a quality that is found among those who have perfected the art of meditation and personal denial. This is simply one example that can be found in history, but there are many others. In Europe, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there was a fashion for spiritualism and clairvoyants might be called in to perform for people who had questions about things that could not be seen or even to contact the dead.

The existence of clairvoyance is something that is often hotly debated by scientists and people who are active in the metaphysical community. On one hand, at this point in time, there is no quality that can be measured or tested that proves the existence of such phenomenon. On the other hand, argue people who believe in clairvoyance, there is no reason to believe that something does not exist simply because it cannot be measured at this time. They point to the fact that the tools to detect and measure this quality may simply not exist at this point and that the future will bring them about.

While clairvoyance most commonly refers to the ability to sense things before they happen, the truth of the matter is that the term can be used describe a wide array of abilities when it comes to sensing things which would otherwise be obscure. For instance, one type of clairvoyance refers to the ability to pick up psychic knowledge through the sense of touch. Some people refer to this as the ability to take readings from the vibrations that people and things emit. In another example, some individuals can learn things through the scent that they admit, and can foretell events when they detect a certain scent.

The reality of clairvoyance is something that has been a source of fascination for many years. As recently as the Cold War, for example, both the United States and the former USSR experimented with clairvoyance in an attempt to use it for information gathering purposes. Even today, there are many people who are convinced of the idea of clairvoyance, just as there are people who are convinced that it is something that could not be real. Understanding this phenomenon is something that will happen far in the future, if it happens at all, but it is still something that is a source of great interest.

Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Psychics and Senior UK Clairvoyants.


Psychic Mediums Has the Power to Heal

Sixth sense, Psychic powers and the ability to know the future are some terms which are used quite often these days. Earlier there were few people who discovered that they have the psychic powers to know the future but now more and more people are able to discover this healing power within them. With the whole lot of information about how to develop or improve your psychic powers, anyone in this world can develop one. Psychic power in literal sense is an ability to know those evidences or information which other people with normal senses are not aware of. People with the powerful sixth sense are regarded to be as psychics.

There are many people that do not believe in the existence of spirits. Such people are often in search of some proof. Many people that have had supernatural experiences know that such things exist. But an average person does not see their effect on his or her daily lives and so is unaware of all these. Many people have had experiences of death. And they have provided their thoughts on what happens after death. Many such people have claimed to have seen white light. But an average individual can not believe in any such thing easily.

As mentioned in the title that psychic mediums have the power to heal, we must make it clearer for you to understand it properly. As our lives are full of quandaries and uneasiness, we tend to do things which provide relief and calm us down. Many people find this relief in the psychic mediums. The assurance that their dilemma will soon vanish relaxes them. Once relaxed, they try to find the silence and comfort of their life in psychic mediums. These are broadly divided into two dimensions, one is the mental psychic medium and the other is physical one. Both of these mediums have different components and also act differently.

In physical mediums, the person who tries to divulge into the psychic medium uses various objects, sounds and instruments for communicating their thoughts and messages to the higher spirits. In this medium, such people many a times discover some mysterious things which changes or transforms their life for good. Chanting is also practiced for attaining higher levels in this physical medium. But in a mental psychic medium, the medium is your mind. Whosoever tries this psychic mind utilizes the power of mind for achieving different levels for healing and relaxation.
The mental psychic medium is further divided into 3 types. The first one is clairvoyance in which the spirit is observed by the medium. In the second type, the medium is able to hear the spirit only and this is called as clairaudience. But in the third one which is called as clairsentience, spirit is only sensed by the medium. These three different mediums in the mental psychic medium are achieved with different degrees of practice.

You have to be careful while doing anything like this. You can have better results if you take the guidance of an expert. Learn more about psychic abilities. Join the Global Oneness community and find more information on psychic development.