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Psychic Powers Exercise

If you have run across my other postings, then you know that I am quite rational, and have been into this stuff for a very, very long time. Seeing auras, psychometry, and astral projection, etc. are normal features of my life. I really take it for granted, but I've gotten used to the fact that most people haven't learned how to do it yet. Insight, wisdom, and all the psychic powers are your birthright, and if you don't seem to have enough of them, then please go out and get them!! To help you along I am providing here, a set of exercises which will do exactly that.

Exercise One

Psychic powers cannot manifest without good integration of the right and left brain lobes. Here is the exercise: Focus your consciousness in the center of your head between the ears. This is the location of the pineal gland at the top of the thalamus, the root of the brain stem. Now move your consciousness into the right lobe of the brain on an inhale of breath. Next, on the exhale of breath, move your consciousness into the left lobe of the brain. Repeat this over and over for 5 minutes. You may use any reasonable posture that you wish : Lotus, or lying on your back with a pillow under your knees, or sitting in a comfy chair, or during a walk through the woods (best). You may use Mantra, but I recommend that you sound the Mantra in your mind, not in your voice for this exercise. Inhale "Yin" on the right, and exhale "Yang" on the left. I'm sure you know that you should not over-do physical exercise, because that can over-stress your body. This is a mental exercise, and you most definitely do not want to over-do IT. So, please, just 5 minutes a day, and no more.

Exercise Two

Find a comfortable posture, like lying on your back with pillows propped under your knees. Focus your consciousness in the pineal gland. Now move it forward to the pituitary gland above and between the eyes. Inhale on the pineal, and exhale on the pituitary. You may use an internal (non-vocalized) mantra with this exercise, like Aum: Pineal(Om); pituitary (um). Do this for only five minutes a day. Do not use Exercise One on the same day.

Back in '73 I did this exercise while hooked up to an EEG at the Univ. of Mass. at Columbia Point. I generated two brainwave patterns that were unknown at the time. The first had the amplitude of alpha, but the frequency of beta, and seemed to emanate from the cerebellum at the back of the brain. The second was a one second delta pulse from the pineal to the pituitary that was so powerful that it pinned the meter! It was estimated that I was consciously using 1/3 of my brain capacity with the first brain wave. The second could not be calculated. Normally people only use 10%.

Exercise Three

Here is another 5 minute exercise you can use on days when you haven't used any of the others. Use your regular comfortable posture. The internal (non-vocalized) mantra for this exercise is "Yod He Vau He". Focus your consciousness in the cerebellum at the back of your brain, inhale slowly, and mentally sound "Yod". Next, move your concentration to the pineal gland, and mentally sound "He" as you exhale. Now go into the pituitary as you inhale, sounding internally "Vau". Finally, you will mentally sound "He" as you refocus in the pineal on the exhale. Repeat this for five minutes, and stop.

The best way to learn about psychic powers, is to experience them for yourself. These exercises will gradually sensitize you to the Astral, Mental, and Spiritual planes of reality. Use only one a day for 5 minutes. More than this will open you up faster than you will be able to adjust to. Being moderate, and maintaining a balanced state of mind are essential, when you embark on this kind of work.